I.M.A was engaged to develop the strategy and tactical plan for AON’s small business offer. The program needed to get AON top of mind as the preferred insurance provider for the small business, building and construction industry. Increase the number of quality inbound leads. Lift the Search performance, and start building a platform for the increased awareness and understanding of the AON brand.
AON Insurance
Go-to-market strategy for AON


Strategy first, then tactics. We conducted a series of face to face interviews with small business owners, builder /tradepeople and AON sales managers to get the insights to feed the strategy. During our discussions we covered topics such as why they chose their current insurer, claims history, claims service experience, what information channels they use.
Key insights were uncovered around insurance being a grudge purchase and a hassle. Running a small business is tough and while business owners tend to stick to the products and services that they know, with a trusted referral and expert advice – they’d consider a switch.
In depth media consumption research was conducted to determine channels that would have maximum impact, including a review of strategic partnerships with respected industry associations.

A review of the recent advertising and communications in this sector shows that while some brands have identified some key elements of the creative messaging mix no-one seems to have pulled it all together into a single creative execution or strategy.
In developing our creative approach we set our sights to be different, be genuine, be simple, be in the right tone and cut through.

I.M.A successfully grew the ‘prospect funnel’, guiding/prompting prospects along the Awareness – Consideration – Conversion journey. A cobranded launch for the tradie segment alongside the Housing Industry Association was able to provide that level of credibility amongst that segment. The base line activity across all levels of planning had a performance focus and successfully drove consideration and conversions for the small business offer.
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